Friday, February 22, 2008

Miracles really do happen!!!

The house is quite it's only me and the dog......
My wonderful husband has taken the kids to Mickie D's and a motorcycle show.
Mind you it took a little persuasion but he finally got the picture.... As I put it no personal Tracy time there will be no WIFE time, it's amazing how well they understand that language.
So here I sit with my cockin tale in hand (coke on ice) as the kids put it, I'm going to plug in a chick flick and sit and spin...... Don't get me wrong I love my kids and being a stay at home work out of the house mom, but I'm an old women and two four year olds 24/7 what was I thinking!!lol :o} As my daughter ask me the other day if I would still be alive after she goes to school...... ??? Out of the mouths of babes!
I will post my spinning later but I would love to see what all of you are working on...
It's been along time since I've been able to sit down and spin one of my blends so I think I'm going to grab SULTRY SHADOWS off the shelf and enjoy.....


Mystic Creations said...

We allll need some personal time. I don't have kids, but I have two male roommates, and sometimes it's SO nice to give them $20 and tell them to go have fun. I put some Buffy in and get my wheel oiled up.

rebelhousewife said...

Have fun spinning. I have two dogs who are always trying to eat my fiber and lick the spinning wheel when it is out, so I always enjoy it when my husband takes them and I can have an hour or so to spin without them around. Enjoy your chick flick.

Evanita W Montalvo said...

Glad to hear you have some time to yourself to enjoy your fiber! I just bought a spinning wheel(wee peggy) and have had a ton of fun with it so far. After practicing with some white wool I decided to spin your Paradise blend. Here's how it turned out :)
I think I only have enough to make a scarf so I'll probably be getting some more from you soon so I can make a hat and wrist warmers to go along with.

Destiknit said...

Hi Tracy... I'm trying to access your etsy shop but am having difficulties... I'm finally ready to try something new and as promised, thought I'd stop at your shop for supplies... pls PM me at Ravelry with details ;) ~destiknit